General Motors Canada and GM Defense: the Official Vehicle Sponsors of the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign (Video)
Thanks to GMC and GM Defense, the official vehicle sponsors of the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign.

Celebrating the Governor General’s Foot Guards 150th AnniversaryWith Beechwood Cemetery, The Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign and Trees for Life
On June 7th at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, the 150th anniversary of the Governor General’s Foot Guards (GGFG) was celebrated through the planting of tribute trees by the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign.

Highway of Heroes Update: July 2022
The world’s largest living tribute is nearly complete! This Fall we will plant the final trees of the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign. honouring the brave Canadian men and women who volunteered to serve during times of war.

True North, Strong and Free with an Abundance of Maples and More
I marvel at the diversity of Canada — the people, cultures, perspectives, topography, wildlife and so much more. We are a better and stronger nation for this diversity and it is our responsibility to protect it for our children and grandchildren.

McLeod Lake Indian Band: Gat’ Azi - Gat ‘ Cho (Little Trees- Big Trees) Reforestation Project
McLeod Lake Indian Band: Gat’ Azi - Gat ‘ Cho (Little Trees- Big Trees) Reforestation Project

Over One Thousand Ways to Protect Our Shores and Species
Our partner the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) finished phase 2 of a planting project at Outer Harbour Marina in Toronto last month.

Two-Wings Tuesday: Red-Tailed Hawks at Cornell Celebrate Fledge #4! (Copy)
For the past decade, a pair of red-tailed hawks have been the stars of a very special reality show located on the other side of Lake Ontario in Ithaca, New York.

Clean Air Machine
Why is it that during the month of June we feel so alive?
I have just walked through my garden, a break from computer work, and measured almost a foot (20 cm.) of new growth on the sugar maples that I planted 18 months ago.
I estimate that they will produce almost a metre of growth this year. These are clearly happy “Sugars”. This makes me happy.

Trees for Life receives over $2M to plant up to 600,000 new trees from the 2 Billion Trees Program
We’re proud to announce that Trees for Life will receive $2.5 million in funding from the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) as part of the 2 Billion Trees Program for 2022.

Royal Canin Canada plants over 300 trees in Guelph, Ontario
One of our first plantings of the 2022 season took place May 18 and 19 at Kortright Hills Natural Area in Guelph, Ontario.

Oshawa’s Ontario Regiment Museum to unveil new 550-tree arboretum
On Friday, June 3rd, we’ll be participating in a special ceremony at Oshawa’s Ontario Regiment Museum (ORM) to officially unveil the new 750-tree arboretum.

Mother Nature Grows 100-Year-Old Seeds
There is a massive river enhancement project underway in the City of Toronto that has revealed new plants – what appear to be long lost wetland plants growing spontaneously from 100-year-old seeds. Crews noticed them because they are unlike anything else growing in the area.

Stories of Honour: Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough
Friday, April 29th, marked the second anniversary of the CH-148 helicopter crash that took the life of Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough and five of her colleagues.

Quinte West Tree Give-A-Way
Quinte West Tree Give-A-Way
TOMORROW: May 7th from 7am-3pm
Trees for Life is supporting a tree giveaway with the City of Quinte West and Lower Trent Conservation.
Join us May 7th from 7am-3pm at one of 4 locations take home up to 20 seedlings per household.

Earth Day 2022: Take Action
This Earth Day, it’s important to reflect not only on the challenges our environment faces and our role in them but on the solutions and how we can make things better.

HOHTribute Update: The World’s Largest Living Memorial Soon to Be Completed!
The Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign is expected to reach its 2 million tree goal this year.

Tips for Selecting, Planting & Caring for Your New Tree
Tips for Selecting, Planting & Caring for Your New Tree

Hero Tribute: Norman Miller
Originally Posted 12/15/2020 Stories of Honour • Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign
Born on a farm in Jacquet River, N.B. in 1924, Norm was building Spitfires, before joining the Army in 1942.

Corporal James Hayward Arnal - The Christmas Card Soldier
One of James (Jim) Arnal’s favorite mottos was Carpe Diem, Latin for ‘seize the day.’ He had a natural zest for life and had done more and seen more than most people in his 25 years.