Hero Trees

“A tree is the world’s most advanced breathing machine.”

A Note from Mark Cullen • April 2022

At one time we thought a tree was just a tree.  

Now we know better.  Science has taught us and proven beyond a shadow that a tree is a miracle air cleaner.  More efficient at the job than anything made by the hand of humankind. 

So, it is appropriate that we apply the benefits (and long life), of trees to one of the great opportunities of our time: a sincere thank you to those who have enabled us to carry on through the COVID-19 pandemic.  

We have read many stories of courage and persistence on the part of front-line workers and first responders that have inspired us.  Their ability and commitment to get us through this life-changing event has encouraged us to hatch an idea whose time has come.  We are planting trees to honour those who served and continue to serve all Canadians.  Trees For Heroes. 

As of today, you can log onto the Trees For Life website and purchase a tree with a $150 tax-deductible donation. You are given the opportunity to name the person you wish to acknowledge with this living tribute and will be given the option to have the recipient’s name listed on our “scroll of honour” on the Trees For Life website and in an upcoming newsletter. 

You may choose to receive a printed or digital certificate with the person’s name on it, or you can have it sent directly to them. 

In December, we will send you an update on the various projects and locations where Hero Trees were planted, so you will have a general idea of the location of your tree (or trees), though not a precise location of one tree. 

Each tree planted through our Hero Tree program is a substantial-sized specimen, typically over a meter and a half high and several years old before it is planted.  They are not the tiny reforestation trees that you might imagine. They are hardy, native species, like red oak, white cedar, and sugar maple - the right tree in the right place to foster healthy ecosystems and support biodiversity.

We will take care of the soil remediation, planting, mulch, rodent guard, and where necessary we will water your new tree to ensure the greatest measure of success.  

To date, our record for success rates in our plantings is an industry-leading 80-85 percent.  

It is our opinion that no tree is worth planting unless we invest heavily in its future growth.  

As we reflect on the last two years of our lives in Canada, living with COVID-19 looms large.  And we think about the more than 32,000 Canadians who have been lost to the virus and the many more who survived but live with debilitating symptoms every day.  Why not plant trees to honour them also? 

We are making this possible. 

I encourage you to visit our website www.treesforlife.caand consider donating to support our efforts to reforest the populated areas of our country or because you simply love trees. I guarantee personally the result of your donation will be a greener and healthier environment where Canadians live, work, and play.  

We proved that this plan works when we planted over 2 million trees on and near the Highway of Heroes. One tree for every Canadian lost at war since 1812.  Plus, a tree for every Canadian who volunteered for military service during times of war.  We did that, you, me, and a host of volunteers, dedicated staff, government, and private sector funders.  We have done what we set out to do and will plant the last of these trees this fall.

That story is for another time.

For now, Trees For (COVID 19) Heroes and more.  

The time is now. 

Please join us as we express our sincere and lasting gratitude to those brave Canadians who serve us on the front lines of our healthcare system. 

With sincere thanks,  

Mark Cullen

Co-founding Chair of Canadian Trees For Life

On behalf of our volunteer and dedicated staff team 


Mark Cullen 

More info at www.markcullen.com


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