Corporal Michael Lesmeister - Lost at Juno Beach 1944
Heroes, HOH Ali Zuccato Heroes, HOH Ali Zuccato

Corporal Michael Lesmeister - Lost at Juno Beach 1944

Michael Lesmeister was born on September 29th, 1923 to Michael and Theresa Lesmeister in the small village of Leipzig, Saskatchewan. By the end of 1942, Canada’s growing participation in the Second World War required more and more young men to join the armed forces. Michael was therefore conscripted into the Canadian Army in November 1942.

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Cpl Nathan Cirillo and WO Patrice Vance
Newsletter, Heroes, HOH Rebecca Harrison Newsletter, Heroes, HOH Rebecca Harrison

Cpl Nathan Cirillo and WO Patrice Vance

In October 2014, both Cpl Cirillo and WO Vance were killed in targeted domestic terrorist attacks.

WO Vance was killed in a lone wolf terror hit and run attack in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec on Monday, 20 Oct 2014.

2 days later, Cpl Nathan Cirillo was attacked and killed in Ottawa at the National War Memorial by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau before entering Centre Block on Parliament Hill and engaging in a shoot out with police and security.

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Private Clyde Gladwin Kent
Heroes, HOH Rebecca Harrison Heroes, HOH Rebecca Harrison

Private Clyde Gladwin Kent

Originally from Lacombe, Alberta, Private Clyde Gladwin Kent was the uncle of current Canadian M.P., the Honourable Peter Kent. Clyde died on the last day of the Passchendaele battle, November 10th, 1917, just one year and a day before the armistice.

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