Earth Day 2022: Take Action

This Earth Day, it’s important to reflect not only on the challenges our environment faces and our role in them but on the solutions and how we can make things better.

The tree, the world’s most advanced breathing machine, inhales the bad and exhales the good, cooling and cleaning our air and making the world a healthier place. Amazing feats that just scratch the surface of how trees protect and enrich life on this planet.

Trees are here to help. They’re working overtime to keep our planet thriving, but in many places, leafy canopies are in decline. Isn’t it time we reverse that trend?

Minimize your impact by reducing waste and pollution everywhere. Protect our natural spaces from threats like invasive species and over-harvesting.

And of course, plant more native trees, in more places,

because it is one of the easiest ways to combat climate change, because a living legacy is a great way to honour a hero in your life, and because many hands amplify outcomes.

This Earth Day, the world’s most advanced breathing machine needs your help.



Quinte West Tree Give-A-Way


Hero Trees