True North, Strong and Free with an Abundance of Maples and More
I marvel at the diversity of Canada — the people, cultures, perspectives, topography, wildlife and so much more. We are a better and stronger nation for this diversity and it is our responsibility to protect it for our children and grandchildren.

Two-Wings Tuesday: Red-Tailed Hawks at Cornell Celebrate Fledge #4! (Copy)
For the past decade, a pair of red-tailed hawks have been the stars of a very special reality show located on the other side of Lake Ontario in Ithaca, New York.

Quinte West Tree Give-A-Way
Quinte West Tree Give-A-Way
TOMORROW: May 7th from 7am-3pm
Trees for Life is supporting a tree giveaway with the City of Quinte West and Lower Trent Conservation.
Join us May 7th from 7am-3pm at one of 4 locations take home up to 20 seedlings per household.

Earth Day 2022: Take Action
This Earth Day, it’s important to reflect not only on the challenges our environment faces and our role in them but on the solutions and how we can make things better.