Royal Canin Canada plants over 300 trees in Guelph, Ontario
Photo Credit: City of Guelph
One of our first plantings of the 2022 season took place May 18 and 19 at Kortright Hills Natural Area in Guelph, Ontario. Thirty-five very keen Royal Canin Canada ( employees joined City of Guelph Parks staff to get over 300 locally-sourced native trees and shrubs in the ground, with accompanying perennial wildflowers. The weather was a bit of a challenge, but spirits were high and planters appreciated the opportunity to make a difference in the community where they work.
Jay Cranstone, City of Guelph Natural Areas Stewardship Technologist, along with the City’s naturalization team coached the volunteers to ensure that every tree was properly planted and would thrive. Guelph has an ambitious goal of achieving a 40% leafy canopy cover, up from the current 23% --- which will help significantly in addressing the impacts of climate change. With caring corporate partners like Royal Canin Canada and dedicated staff, Guelph is making great strides towards this important goal! We are delighted to be in partnership with both.