Clean Air Machine

Why is it that during the month of June we feel so alive?

I have just walked through my garden, a break from computer work, and measured almost a foot (20 cm.) of new growth on the sugar maples that I planted 18 months ago.  I estimate that they will produce almost a metre of growth this year.  These are clearly happy “Sugars”.  This makes me happy.

The clean, freshness of June and the energy that Canadians have stored from a long winter spent mostly indoors provides a springboard for activity.  Here at Trees For Life we are going full-tilt, planting our promised trees (over a million this year, including the fall plantings), organizing our grand finale to the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign during Remembrance Week in November (look for details soon), our golf tournament Aug. 25th (still room for golfers and sponsors plus all sponsorships will be matched by a generous donor!) , this Friday, a tree ceremony and planting in Oshawa this at the Ontario Regiment Museum, and so much more.

The big news is that Natural Resources Canada has confirmed that they are supporting our tree planting efforts where Canadians live, work and play, again this year with over $2 million.  These funds match donations and sponsorships from Canadian citizens, foundations, corporations, municipalities, and other donors to make sure every promised tree gets planted.  We are grateful to our #1 sponsor, the Government of Canada, who, through the Two Billion Trees Program have expressed their confidence in our mission.  We endeavour to surpass their expectations as well as yours, dear supporter.

Whether you plan to play golf with us in August at Pheasant Run Golf Club in Sharon, ON, to donate or to “Plant a tree for a hero” through our new Trees For Heroes program, we are grateful to you in the extreme for your interest and support. And a big thank you to all of you who have already generously donated this year!

We recently learned of a research study from the University of Chicago, that estimates that air pollution cuts 2.2 years off the average human life.

When I hear these stats, I look around and ask myself, “what is the answer?” in this case, it is as near as the maples that I planted in my new garden.  Clean air machines are the most sophisticated oxygen producers known to humankind.  They were not created by the hand of man: Nature gets full credit.

Though, PLANTING more trees is a responsibility that every Canadian can share. 

That is where Trees for Life comes in. 

Please continue reading our newsletter as we have SO much going on and we want you and your like-minded friends and family to join us and be a part of it.

And remember to visit our website or contact us directly if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.


Mark Cullen,

Co-founding Chair of Canadian Trees For Life

On behalf of our volunteer and dedicated staff team

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Two-Wings Tuesday: Red-Tailed Hawks at Cornell Celebrate Fledge #4! (Copy)


Trees for Life receives over $2M to plant up to 600,000 new trees from the 2 Billion Trees Program