Clean Air Machine
Newsletter Mike Hurley Newsletter Mike Hurley

Clean Air Machine

Why is it that during the month of June we feel so alive? 

I have just walked through my garden, a break from computer work, and measured almost a foot (20 cm.) of new growth on the sugar maples that I planted 18 months ago.  

I estimate that they will produce almost a metre of growth this year.  These are clearly happy “Sugars”.  This makes me happy.

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Mother Nature Grows 100-Year-Old Seeds
Newsletter, TREES Mike Hurley Newsletter, TREES Mike Hurley

Mother Nature Grows 100-Year-Old Seeds

There is a massive river enhancement project underway in the City of Toronto that has revealed new plants – what appear to be long lost wetland plants growing spontaneously from 100-year-old seeds. Crews noticed them because they are unlike anything else growing in the area.

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