Project Update: Royal Canin Canada and the City of Guelph Support Local Naturalization

Thanks to our friends at the City of Guelph and corporate partner Royal Canin Canada, there are now 175 new native trees including Bur Oak, White Cedar and Sugar Maple in the Kortright Hills Natural Area in Guelph. This marks the second time in as many years that we are fortunate to be working together and greening an important part of the Hanlon Creek watershed.

On Friday, September 15th, 40 eager Royal Canin Canada employees arrived at Kortright Hills. They rolled up their sleeves and were fully equipped and coached by Jay Cranstone, City of Guelph Natural Areas Stewardship Technologist and the team, to ensure that every tree would be properly planted and would thrive. Guelph has an ambitious goal of achieving a 40% leafy canopy cover—which will help in addressing the impacts of climate change. With caring corporate partners like Royal Canin Canada and dedicated staff, Guelph is sure to meet this important goal! We are delighted to be in partnership with both.

In case you haven’t heard, Royal Canin Canada and Trees for Life are collaborating on a social media activation. We invite you to post your favourite picture of your pet in nature and remember to tag us for a chance to be featured on Royal Canin’s and our social channels. Is there anything cuter than pictures of pets?


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