Get to Know Our Natives by Nature

Sugar maple tree. Source

This month, we Get to Know our native Sugar Maple.

Scientific name: Acer saccharum

Sugar maple was designated as Canada’s national tree in 1965. The maple leaf adorns the Canadian Flag. It is well known for being the primary source of maple syrup and for its foliage turning a brilliant red, orange or yellow each fall.

Sugar maple leaf. Source

Where it Grows: Sugar maple is found in Central, Southern and parts of Northwestern Ontario and Quebec. Hardiness zones 4-8.

Mature size and shape: Sugar maples can live to be 400-years-old, reaching heights of 20 to 35 metres and diameters of 50 to 90 centimetres.

What you need to know to grow Sugar Maple:  Grows best in moist soil. Will tolerate shade but grows better in full sun. Grows best in deep, rich and well-drained soil.

Note: Sugar maple roots are deep and wide spreading. It’s a large and strong tree, ideal for use as a shade tree.

Benefits: Sugar maple is a food source for many mammals, including squirrels, chipmunks, porcupines, deer and moose. It is a food source and provides habitat for a variety of insects and birds.

Sources: Source 1, Source 2


Our Partnership with Nature


Project Update: Royal Canin Canada and the City of Guelph Support Local Naturalization