10,000 Thank Yous

A key reason Trees for Life has been able to plant so many trees is because of the support from Landscape Ontario’s leadership and membership. At a recent Board of Directors meeting, a suggestion was made to redirect the dollars normally earmarked for more traditional speaker thank-you gifts, to Trees for Life, so that trees can be planted in their honour instead. The Board voted unanimously!  That resulted in a surprise $10,000 cheque for Trees for Life, which will go a long way to support partner planting projects across the country.

“Landscape Ontario is deeply committed to Trees for Life and its mission,” said Joe Salemi, Executive Director of Landscape Ontario. “The work this charity does reflects the shared values of our leadership and members to make Canada greener and healthier for future generations.”

It’s a simple, cost-effective, and thoughtful idea that we hope will inspire other organizations to do the same.

Thanks, Landscape Ontario!


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