Greater Great Lakes Grant

We are grateful to the Great Lakes Local Action Fund which granted TFL $50K to support the Lynde Shores Conservation Area restoration project, which is managed by the Central Lake Ontario CA.

Supported by the Ontario Government, the Great Lakes Local Action Fund (GLLAF) supports community projects that:

●      benefit and are led by local communities

●      help protect and/or restore the health of the Great Lakes and/or their connecting rivers

Our partnership with Central Lake Ontario CA and specifically Lynde Shores has planted over 9,000 new trees at the site over the last two years. The GLLA grant will help to ensure their roots establish and they survive over the next critical phases of the trees’ lives. The conservation area is an important part of the watershed that protects the natural heritage features and functions found within two provincially significant coastal wetlands (Lynde Creek Marsh and Cranberry Marsh) and their diverse uplands. The trees protect the Lake Ontario shoreline from flooding and erosion and provide habitat for nesting and migrating waterfowl and shorebirds.



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