Get to know your native plants by Nature:

Some interesting facts you may not know about Native plants.

Increasingly, gardeners are looking for native plant varieties – generally defined as “species which existed in North America prior to European contact”. Discovering native plant varieties opens our garden design to new possibilities. Increasingly, gardeners are looking for native plant varieties – generally defined as “species which existed in North America prior to European contact”. Discovering native plant varieties opens our garden design to new possibilities.

There are plenty of reasons why you should consider native species for your garden.

1.     They are generally well adapted to local insect populations.  They provide sustenance to pollinators and are resistant to pests.   Many generations of resistance help a native plant remain healthy without help from us.

2.     Non-pollinator wildlife often depends on native plants for food and habitat.  Our native milkweed is a good example of this, as it provides habitat and food for Monarch butterfly larvae.  

3.     Native plant species do not threaten surrounding natural areas.  Those plants that are classified as “invasive” are almost always imports.  

4.    They are incredibly low-maintenance. Given their adaptation to the local environment, native plants usually require no additional water or fertilizer supplements after they have been established.  That is, providing you have planted in the appropriate place according to the plants’ requirements.  

Source: Published in Toronto Star June 2018


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