Lynde Shores Conservation Area - Whitby, Ontario

With your support and in partnership with the Central Lake Ontario CA, (CLOCA), an additional 3,000 trees were planted this spring in the uplands areas at Lynde Shores, bringing the total to over 7,000 new trees. This conservation area protects the significant natural heritage features and functions found within Lynde Creek Marsh and Cranberry Marsh, two provincially significant coastal wetlands. 

While the wetlands provide critical habitat for many wildlife species including birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, the upland areas (both grasslands and woodlands) are also critical to many water-dependent wildlife. Many ground-nesting birds, including some duck species, require these upland habitats for nesting and food gathering.

The trees also serve to protect the shoreline against flooding and erosion, one of the many impacts of climate change.


Planting at Almet Farms - Bowmanville, Ontario


Celebrity Tree Love