Canada Running Series Acorns Team Member Anna M.
New Acorns Team Member Anna Mihaltchev
Meet Anna, a new Acorn team member who is taking her passion for running, nature, and trees to another level!
How she caught the running and Guinness Record bug
When Anna was a teenager, she and her dad would bond while jogging together in Montreal. Fast forward 10 years, Anna’s colleague had an extra bib for the Montreal half-marathon. Anna couldn’t let this free bib go to waste, even though the 21 km run was 3 days away and Anna hadn’t run in over 10 years!
Although she finished, Anna admits the last few kilometres were a bit painful. However, the run ignited a desire to try a full 42 km marathon, which she completed the following year. While training, Anna noticed that some marathons partnered with Guinness World Records, which is a big deal since a single application to Guinness typically costs about $8,000, so these rare partnerships (there are only three globally: Berlin, London, and Toronto), are a bonus because individuals who sign up for the run can apply to Guinness for free. This sparked a childhood dream.
After perusing the list of categories and finish times, Anna chose to run a half marathon, dressed as a vegetable, (since she is a vegetarian).
“People often don’t realize how much effort, preparation, and thought goes into a distance race. Having specific costume requirements and rules adds even more complexity.”
Anna’s first attempt at a Guinness Record
On race day, Anna arrives in her carrot regalia and as she is being verified by the Guinness officials, she finds out that she is the second runner dressed as a carrot. She’d seen runners dressed as a fisherman, a superhero, a banana, but no two were alike. What were the odds of having two identical costumes in a race? Suddenly, the pressure increased to a whole new level, not only to beat the previous record time but to beat another carrot in THAT race!
The day was so hot and the costume made it feel hotter. Along the course, Anna heard people calling “Hey look, there’s another carrot!” She was trailing. Determination set in and while Anna did beat the Guinness Record for running a half marathon in a carrot costume that day, she did not beat the other runner’s time. Although disappointed, Anna would have liked to have met her fellow orange competitor to congratulate her. So close!
Passion and Perseverance
Even more motivated, Anna set her sights on October 2020. But of course, the pandemic put a stop to that. With time on her hands, she decided to pick a different category meaningful to her…nature, specifically a TREE! 2023 brought her next chance at record-setting, but Anna submitted her costume for approval a bit late for the Canada Running Series Toronto run. The design didn’t meet Guinness’ strict criteria and was rejected. Sadly, there was no time to redo it.
The third time is the charm!
The TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon this October 2024 will be Anna’s third attempt at a record and based on her planning and design team, (Anna’s dad, a graphic designer and paper toy company creator, is helping her along with her engineer stepmom), Anna is sure to be successful. Just before press time, Anna shared the happy news that her costume had been approved! With this hurdle out of the way, Anna can focus on her training, despite the summer heat!
On what drives her to set a Guinness Record
“In life, I believe we need to follow our passions. But it's not about the costume or running fast, it's about impact. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, and now is my chance. And if I'm going to do it, I also want it to be meaningful, which is why I'm raising funds for Trees for Life. We all need to try to make a difference in this world.”
Anna, your perseverance and passion are inspiring. Thank you for running dressed as a tree, nature's most advanced breathing machine. We are all enjoying the benefits of trees and cheering for you on your training journey, and come October!
Please help Anna achieve one of her race goals: fundraising for Trees for Life! You can find her donation page here.
Look for behind-the-scenes content on Anna and other team members by following us on our social channels.