Get to Know Our Natives by Nature
Black Walnut (Source)
This month, we will Get to Know our native Black walnut.
Scientific name: Juglans nigra
Black walnut can grow up to 30 metres tall. Often mistaken for Butternut due to similar leaf shape. Leaves have 14 to 22 leaflets on short stalks. Leaflets at the end of stalks are smaller than the rest.
Where is Grows:
Black walnut is a common species in moist, low-lying areas in Southwestern Ontario. It has often been planted north and east of its range.
Fact: Black walnut roots release juglone, a substance that inhibits growth of other plants. When planting trees near black walnut, choose juglone-tolerant species such as maples, oaks, hickories and hemlock.
Note: Black walnut trees can live to be 150 years old.