Trees for Life Strategic Planning Meeting

October 4, 2022 - 1pm

 TFL Strategic Planning Session for 2023 & Beyond

1.       SWOT Analysis


2.       Mission & Vision Review

i)                    Current Mission Statement:

-        Our Mission: Create a happier, healthier Canada by planting native trees where we live, work and play.

-        Does this still work?

ii)                   Our Vision:

-        What should our vision be?

-        Address tree planting challenges and maximize tree planting opportunities

-        Doubling the urban tree canopy

-        40% urban tree cover

-        Do these work? Does one work better? Can we do all? Should we add more or consider another?

-        How do we want to measure success?


3.       Strategies

Identifying priorities and developing strategies in the following areas of focus

i)                    Planting Partnerships

-        What kinds of partnerships should we be prioritizing?

-        What does the framework for developing partnerships look like? Or, what does a partnership need to include and why?

ii)                   Fundraising

-        What are our sources of funding?

-        How much to we want to rely on NRCan?

-        Which sources of funding and/or prospective do we prioritize and why?

-        How do we make a compelling case for funding from each potential source?

-        What support tools do we need to ensure we have at our disposal (i.e. a donor database)?

iii)                 Marketing & Communications

-        Who is our key demographic/psychographic

-        How do we reach them?

-        What is our key messaging?

- Meeting Adjourned -