Renewed Commitment & Renewed Hope

Trees for Life Welcomes Back TD Bank Group in 2023

Trees for Life is thrilled that TD Bank Group (TD)  is providing a renewed commitment in 2023 to support the expansion of our national impact and to plant trees in honour of healthcare heroes. TD was the founding corporate sponsor of the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign and we’re honoured that they are supporting the next chapter of our story.

Through its corporate citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment, TD has granted TFL $80,000 to support an exciting new partnership between Trees for Life and the City of Edmonton’s Root for Trees program. This partnership will plant at least 18,000 trees in Edmonton this spring, in recognition of their healthcare workers.

The links between increased leafy canopies, creating more public green spaces, and their resulting mental and physical health benefits have been well documented especially during the pandemic. This is why it is fitting to plant trees to honour those that fought on the front line of the battle against COVID-19, while also benefiting the local community. This partnership will be celebrated with a flagship event on July 15, 2023. Stay tuned for updates as the plans come to life over the next few months.

The City of Edmonton’s Root for Trees program has a record of increasing the tree canopy in the area through volunteer-driven planting projects. To learn more about the program, or if you are interested in registering for volunteer opportunities in the Edmonton area later this spring, click here.

To support the Trees for Heroes program and to make a donation that will help us plant more trees to honour our healthcare heroes, click here.


Get to Know Our Natives by Nature


Get to Know our Natives by Nature