A Gift of 5,000 Trees Keeps Giving
Credit Valley Conservation gave trees to the Headwaters Health Care Hospital in Orangeville
Oh, what a web we weave!
In the spring of 2024, Jeff Olsen, owner of Brookdale Treeland Nurseries (BTN), and TFL board member, generously donated 5000 trees and shrubs to Trees for Life. All he asked was that suitable homes be found for them. It turns out this incredible gift valued at nearly $100K, spun a web connecting people, communities, and organizations, that continues today.
Trees for Life engaged its networks, and word of these free trees got out, even capturing the ears of Council members and the Mayor of the Town of Georgina. With grand tree-planting goals for their town already in place, they were particularly excited to engage the community and grow their urban tree canopy without increasing their budget with these trees.
Many local groups got involved; almost 2000 Trees were handed out at an Earth Day residential tree giveaway and over 500 trees went to community planting events at various parks, and public areas, including the Chippewas of Georgina Island and 13 schools – a great way to engage the environmentalists of the future!
The BTN trees touched countless numbers of people and thirteen organizations including Conservation Authorities, which collectively planted nearly 2300 trees and shrubs. All native species, including Black Chokeberry, Butternut, Tulip tree, Poplar, Paper Birch, Red maple, Red oak, and Winterberry, natives are the most resilient and best at promoting biodiversity. The trees were installed at various project sites, including wetland and meadow restoration areas, and many were offered to city residents during events such as Community Action Tree Planting.
As these plantings are growing, so is the urban greening web, as many of these partnerships have established new connections and stirred interest from other groups who recognize the importance of green spaces in their communities. Thank you BTN for your gift that keeps on giving!
Please reach out to Marina Dimitriadis at marina@treesforlife.ca to learn how Trees for Life can help.
South Nation Conservation planted trees at a wetland restoration project, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited Canada
Happy Planters at Monarch Park courtesy of 10,000 Trees