American Mountain-Ash (Sorbus Americana)

Alternative Names

Latin (scientific) name: Sorbus americana

Common English name: American mountain-ash

French name: Sorbier d’Amérique


Other Information

Tree Type: Deciduous

Hardiness Zones: 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b



The American Mountain-Ash is a slow-growing, short-lived tree that can be found across Ontario, South of Hudson Bay. It grows to 10 meters tall and prefers moist ground; however, it can also grow in rocky, dry soil.

Its flowers, leaves and berries make it a popular landscaping tree. The flowers on the American Mountain-Ash are small and white with 5 petals. They bloom in June-July. Its leaves are arched, dull green and are divided into 11-17 sharp, toothed leaflets. The fruit of the American Mountain-Ash are bright orange-red berries and mature in August-September.

Its bark is pale grey with horizontal pores when young. Mature bark is reddish-brown and scaly.


Sources: Tree Canada and Tree Bee


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American Hazel (Corylus Americana)