A Touching Addition to Town’s Cemeteries

For the 2nd consecutive year, Trees for Life and the Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP) created a lasting green legacy for the community where the annual OACFP conference was held. This year, that community was Huntsville, ON. Through a partnership between Trees for Life, the OACFP, the Town of Huntsville, and with funding provided by Meridian Credit Union, 100 new trees were planted at three local cemeteries.

These plantings are special because they are dedicated not only to the memories of the families that OACFP members have served over the year but also to local health heroes and specifically the amazing volunteers who are part of the Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary. A special ceremony was held on Monday, October 2nd when these members joined OACFP members to dedicate the first two trees planted as part of the initiative. Later that week,  another 98 trees were planted thanks to volunteer help from the local Cadet squadron.

Trees for Life is grateful for the opportunity to join the OACFP in leaving a living tribute that honours those who have helped build our communities and those who keep their neighbours happy and healthy.


Community Tree Planting in Guelph


Edmonton Honours Health Workers