
Who We Are 

Trees for Life is a national charity committed to mobilizing, empowering, and inspiring tree-planting initiatives across Canada.

Our mission is to create a healthier, happier Canada by planting trees where we live, work and play.

We eliminate hurdles that get in the way of maximizing the tree-planting capacity of our partners.

We provide tree-planting organizations with the tools, resources, and networks to enable them to grow existing tree-planting initiatives, implement new ones, and educate members of their communities about the vital role of trees.

Our first two campaigns, the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign and the GrandTrees Climate Solutions projects, have raised over $12.4 million which has enabled the planting of over 1 million trees to date and another million by the end of 2022.

Inspired by the success of these campaigns, Trees for Life is committed to extending our impact nationwide.

No matter the occasion or reason—whether it is to celebrate, honour, or educate—we will work with anyone—individuals, companies, industry groups, nonprofits, and government officials at any level—to mobilize and inspire communities across Canada to plant trees.

Meet our Board & Staff • Meet Our Partners • Discover our Projects

Why Trees?

Every tree we plant today has an immediate and long-term positive impact on the health of our environment.

The Canadian government has recently committed to planting 2 billion trees. We are proud to do our part to help them realize their goal. The environmental impact of 2 billion trees is incredible.  

  • • Release more than 3,000 Olympic size swimming pools of water into the atmosphere every day;

    • Stop dangerous run-off from polluting our rivers and lakes by preventing erosion and stabilizing soil.

  • • Sequester 30,672,000 tonnes of carbon over the next 100 years;

    • Produce 5,200,000,000 lbs of oxygen annually.

  • • Provide wind and snow breaks along dangerous stretches of roadway.

    • Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    • Trees release oxygen into the atmosphere.

    • Trees store carbon.

    • Trees filter dust and pollutants from the air. Leaves and bark trap harmful airborne particulate matter.

    • Trees reduce smog and air pollution by absorbing nitrous oxides and other pollutants, trees “cleanse” the air.

    • Trees provide habitat for a variety of wildlife. Many creatures, such as birds and insects, make their homes, and escape from predators, in trees.

    • Trees are important for pollinators.

    • Shade reduces our exposure to the harmful UV-B rays that cause skin cancer.

    • Many pharmaceuticals are derived from trees.

    • Trees lower our stress levels. Greenspaces calm us, slowing our heart rates and lowering our blood pressure.

    • Trees provide food for humans. The fruit and nuts of many tree species are important staples in our diets.

    • Trees create clean drinking water by filtering rainwater, trees replenish groundwater drinking sources.

    • More tree cover equals less crime in our communities.

    • Trees increase property values.

    • Trees attract tourists. Leafy cities draw visitors, and increase tourism dollars.

    • Trees reduce noise pollution. and muffle urban sounds.

    • Trees enhance our neighbourhoods. The more trees, the better we feel about where we live.

    • Trees are spiritually uplifting and hold spiritual value in many religions

    • Trees moderate air temperatures, reducing heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer.

    • Trees buffer the wind.

    • Trees enhance road safety in winter by trapping drifting snow along highways.

    • Urban tree canopies reduce the “urban heat island effect.”

    • Tree roots prevent soil erosion and soil compaction, helping to reduce flooding, enhancing filtration to groundwater and reducing run-off from extreme weather events.

Every Tree Counts

Whether you plant 2 trees or 2 billion trees, you will make an impact on future generations.

Make a donation.

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